Sample Portfolio
Marketing Vision Presentation
Big Minds Unschool, May 2021 (Digital, PowerPoint)
Roles: Director of Marketing
Distillation of executive and stakeholder marketing goals to share with staff. View full presentation HERE.
Program Summary and Advertisement, Big Minds Online
Big Minds Unschool, October 2021 (Digital, Print)
Roles: Director of Marketing
Advertisement for enrollment marketing. Rebranding of Big Minds' Online program due to expansion during 2021-2022. Solidification of mission, goals, and best ways to serve students. To view full advertisement, click HERE.
Syllabus, Introduction to Creative Writing (CRW3013)
University of Central Florida, September 2019 (Digital, Print)
Roles: Curriculum Developer, Writer
Redesign of 3013 curriculum to integrate pathways toward UCF's game design program and increase student course involvement through the inclusion of diverse texts (both print and digital). (To view the full syllabus, click HERE.)
Adler Collections Game
Adler Planetarium, March 2019 (Digital, Exhibit)
Roles: Program Manager, Writer
Beta version of a text game developed to guide visitors around under-visited areas in the museum. Implementation of this game contributed to a rise in visitorship of over 100,000 guests from 2019 - 2020. (Click to view larger versions of each slide. Play the full beta HERE.)
Screenshot from test version of Adler Collections Game
Screenshot from test version of Adler Collections Game
Screenshot from test version of Adler Collections Game
Screenshot from test version of Adler Collections Game
Adler Youth Voice Project
Adler Planetarium, August 2019 (Print)
Roles: Program Manager, Series Editor
Print work developed to boost student voices in traditionally-marginalized communities and promote Adler Youth Programs. (Click to view larger versions of each slide.)
An introduction to the first print version of AYVP.
Typesetting and graphic placement for the first print edition of AYVP
Student fiction excerpts/typesetting examples for the first print edition of AYVP
An introduction to the first print version of AYVP.
Email Campaign, Game-Making Workshops
Adler Planetarium, April 2016 (Digital)
Roles: Program Manager, Writer
Newsletter written to promote the first iteration of Adler's Game-Making Workshops. After this campaign, Game-Making Workshops became one of the Adler's most applied-to programs. (See the full newsletter HERE.)